.....Je t'aime.....
La méchanceté n'a jamais été le bonheur
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I have been so busy!
Man. I have been so freaking busy and I havent even been able to do any of the things I love. I have to do piles and piles of homework. Although I did get my pottermore yesterday... so Now I have double the homework from playing games all day. But it was worth It. Mostly. Anyways I am ALWAYS doing homework.. when I eat dinner when I watch tv during school-time when Im going to bed and when I wake up. I am so looking forward to this weekend so I can get some sleep! Also maybe going to that one haunted house but... Apparently they are alowed to grab you from behind and stuff so... maybe not. Also I really want to hang out with my friends that I dont see that much anymore. Like Caroline Bow Bear o line and Alijandro... Also I need to buy the rest of her birthday present. And also I kind of just want to sleep. So well see!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
what my mom says goes.
Yesterday morning my mom woke me up at 8 and said "Will you come with me to get chewies haircut?" So I got up and took my fraidycat dog over and then went to einstens for a bagel. My mom said on our way home "Im going to knock out the downstairs" (clean) and for those of you who have seen it... so I said I would help her. Which we mostly finished at 3 or so, when the neighbors had an accident and they had to take their little baby to the hospital in an ambulance, So my mom said that we could take them until they got back... so Im feeling pretty much dead on my feet and babysitting 3 hyperactive kids in the newly cleaned downstairs. Anyways my day ended at 6 and I got some rootbeer and chocolate, but that was not a good idea since I had only eaten that bagel and one burrito I scarfed down making other burritos. Anyways I finally got the highlight of my night when Pretty Litttle Liars came on! And then Chloe King! It was a long day I needed those girls.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Hanging with the sick...
Yesterday I went over to my dear Alijandro's place and we hung out and did and said some dumb stuff.. haha it always happens and I was Nurse Laura except... do nurses make smoothies or give massages? No. I dont think so... man. Well at least I got some frozen yogurt out of it.. which made me as Alijandro would say POOPIE, But still, I am just not paid enough. Anyways.. I should probably tell you im not going to The T school next year im going to the M school. Sorry everybody it was just way too much work to take the stinking bus. That is just not me. And Ive got to get back to cleaning which I do not Aime.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
IKEA and... girls day out
So this is gonna be real short because im tired.. haha. This morning my mom, sisters, and me went to ikea and got ALOT of stuff... but also some breky which was sad cause i was looking forward to those yummy meatballs and mash. Anyways I got some stuff for my room but mostly just some legs for my table and then on the way home, my mom went on the university exit... she always gets off on the wrong road so we went to joannes so my sister could get all of her fabrics for the quilt that my other sister is making. Then we went to the cupcake cafe and then came home and assembled some legs... pretty difficult then stained it and had dindin and watched good luck charlie and some more glee. YEP. thats all.
Friday, August 5, 2011
I have disgraced myself and my family name... even though there are like a million williams out there, that just makes it that much worse. I have not blogged since... a long time. And I promised I would, but im just gonna skip all that and start again with Yesterday.
Well my friend Alijandro/ Abed had to get knee surgery :'( on monday, so I decided to go and visit her, but for those of you who dont know, and are probably very mad at me for not answering your texts, I got my Ipod replaced and cannot figure out/ am really lazy to put all my stuff back on. Anyways I didnt have her number and I couldnt call her or text her so I just decided to show up with cupcakes though so its not AS rude. Then we hung out and watched glee and that movie You Again and slept over there on her couches eating lots of cupcakes and cookies and york patties and well mostly mentos, lots of mentos. Then this morning we finished glee season 1 and talked about alot of stuff which was fun, then my dad picked me up and me and my mom and dad went out to eat at glorias little italy which was way delicious I had this mushroom and cheese filled pasta with mushroom cream sauce with some cheese on sauce... well it was really good, and some yummy vulcano cake. Anyways I will write more I promise!
Je T'aime
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I'm in california this week which is very fun but also very sad because I wont see my best friend Yejin Spicy Cajun. Oh yeah.. and Caroline bow bear o line... and Alijandro. Haha anyways... so far on Friday and Saturday we swam (taught sam to dive and jo to bellly slide) and played games and... lazed around. On sunday my uncle david and my cousins Ross, Katie, and Ellie came and we all swam and talked. Monday was the fourth of July, so naturally we swam, Mary and Sam learned front flips while I pretty much just flopped on my back or my thighs... I didnt jump high enough but I did flip haha! For dinner my grandpa made ribs but he always buys WAY too much of everything ;) so we had about 2 cows worth of ribs. Then we walked down to go to the calabasas firework show which was WAY more fireworks than last years! Then we of course got boysenberry cobbler me sans ice cream. Yesterday we went to go to the beach and stopped at malibu seafood and i got steamed clams, but before i got those i got to sit next to Danny Devitohaha I recognized him but not his name so theres a picture of him for you! Then we went to the beach and well... the beach is always way too sandy for me so we left in a couple of hours. We then went swimming again and I still havent gotten that front flip! But I will!!! Je t'aime California!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Hello July!
I never really knew how much I loved July but this is going to be a good one! Midnight premiere of monte carlo with 2 of my best friends, 1 that I havent seen in... a year, so thats a good first minutes of the month, spending the whole rest of the week swimming and hanging out! Then on friday I'm going to Calabasas, California and I'm taking 1 friend with me (not entirely decided yet.) Spend a week there, and come home to all my favourite people! :D so July... Je t'aime.
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